Impact of AI on Insurance advisers. Business Insurance Specialist

Impact of AI on Insurance Advisers

Impact of AI on Insurance Advisers  The rise of AI is transforming industries, and insurance is no exception. While some fear AI replacing insurance advisers, we’ve found that so far, the reality is more nuanced. AI excels at data analysis, freeing up significant time spent on daily administrative tasks. This allows advisers to focus on what AI can’t replicate: building strong client relationships and offering tailored advice. AI-powered tools can also help advisers identify client needs and provide advice on the most suitable policies, ensuring better coverage. The future of

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Our thoughts shape our emotions and thus our reality

Our thoughts shape our emotions and thus our reality Mental Health Awareness Week  This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. We reached out to Dr Ula Heywood, Emergency Medicine Specialist and Co-Founder of Edison Health to share her tips on how best to manage the challenges and adversities that life throws at us every day.  ……. Have you ever wondered why the same situation can trigger such variable emotional responses in different people? Why is it that in the face of adversity, some people seem to be ultra-resilient and sail

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Have You Got the Right Sum Insured?

Have You Got the Right Sum Insured? Our hearts went out to everyone affected by the floods in West Auckland in September which caused severe damage to a number of homes and businesses, rendering some uninhabitable.  It’s a timely reminder that – both residential and commercial property – are often under-insured when it comes to natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and storms. Climate change means weather events are hitting us more often here in NZ.  It’s a good idea to review your sum insured each year, or when renovating your

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