Body Corporate Insurance

Body corporate insurance offers you peace of mind by providing liability cover in the event people are injured on common property. Typically it includes cover for lifts, pools, car parks, stairwells, gardens, wiring, balconies, walls, windows, ceilings and floors. It can also extend to loss of rent insurance.

Please contact First Commercial Insurance Brokers if you would like to discuss body corporate insurance.

Body Corporate Insurance FAQs

What is Body Corporate Insurance?
Body Corporate Insurance is an insurance policy that covers common property, shared areas, and common amenities of a building or complex.

What does Body Corporate Insurance cover?
Body Corporate Insurance typically covers damage or loss to common property and shared areas, public liability, and loss of rent.

What is Loss of Rents Insurance?
Loss of Rents Insurance is an insurance policy that covers lost rental income due to a covered event, such as fire or water damage.

Do all Body Corporate Insurance policies include Loss of Rents coverage?
Not all Body Corporate Insurance policies include Loss of Rents coverage. Reviewing your policy and discussing your needs with your insurance provider is essential.

What types of buildings require Body Corporate Insurance?
Buildings or complexes with shared amenities, such as apartment buildings, townhouses, and commercial buildings typically require Body Corporate Insurance.


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