Corporate Business Travel Insurance

Travelling can be challenging these days. In addition to all the usual unforeseen risks, we are living in a time where travel plans can be cancelled at a moment’s notice due to situations well beyond our personal control.

Corporate Business Travel Insurance automatically covers all Directors and Shareholders for their leisure and business travel including their families. Cover also includes all employees and ‘authorised’ persons travelling on business and/or leisure. We can now obtain cover to include COVID-19 related losses.

Corporate Business Travel Insurance FAQs:

What is Corporate Business Travel Insurance?
Corporate Business Travel Insurance is an insurance policy that provides coverage for employees who travel for business purposes.

What does Corporate Business Travel Insurance cover?
Corporate Business Travel Insurance typically covers medical expenses, emergency assistance, travel delays or cancellations, and lost or stolen luggage.

Does Corporate Business Travel Insurance cover personal travel?
No, Corporate Business Travel Insurance only covers travel that is related to business purposes.

How do I purchase Corporate Business Travel Insurance?
You can purchase Corporate Business Travel Insurance through an insurance provider or a travel agency.

How do I make a claim under Corporate Business Travel Insurance?
To make a claim under Corporate Business Travel Insurance, you will need to provide documentation of the claim, such as medical bills or proof of cancelled travel plans, and follow the claims process outlined by your insurance provider.


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