Marine & Hull Insurance

Marine insurance is designed to provide peace of mind, whether you have a pleasure craft that requires insurance or if you are moving cargo across water, land or air. Marine transit covers provides point-to-point coverage between your premises and those of your customers.

Please contact First Commercial Insurance Brokers if you would like to discuss marine insurance.

Marine & Hull Insurance FAQs

What is Marine Insurance?
Marine Insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers ships, cargo, and other marine-related risks. It can include coverage for damage or loss of cargo, liability for third-party injuries or property damage, and damage to the ship or vessel itself.

What does Marine Insurance typically cover?
Marine Insurance can cover a wide range of risks and exposures associated with the marine industry. This can include coverage for cargo damage or loss, hull and machinery damage, liability for third-party injuries or property damage, and more.

Why do I need Marine Insurance for my business?
If your business involves the use of ships or other marine vessels, or if you are involved in the transportation of goods by sea, then Marine Insurance is essential. It can help protect your business from financial losses that could arise from damage to your vessel, loss or damage to cargo, or liability claims from third parties.


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