Professional Indemnity Insurance

This specialised area of insurance covers liability arising from the ‘professional services’ provided by a business. Importantly, as the nature of modern business continues to change rapidly it’s no longer only for traditional occupations such as Engineers, Accountants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects and Insurance Brokers.
Please contact First Commercial Insurance Brokers if you would like to discuss professional indemnity insurance for your business.

Professional Indemnity Insurance FAQs

What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Professional Indemnity Insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for claims arising from professional negligence, errors, or omissions. It is designed to protect businesses and professionals from financial losses that could arise from lawsuits or legal action taken against them for alleged errors or mistakes.

What does Professional Indemnity Insurance typically cover?
Professional Indemnity Insurance can cover a wide range of claims, including allegations of professional negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation, intellectual property infringement, and more. It can also cover legal fees and other costs associated with defending against such claims.

How do I know if I need Professional Indemnity Insurance?
If you provide professional services or advice to clients or are involved in providing any professional service that could result in financial harm to a client, then you should consider obtaining Professional Indemnity Insurance. It can help protect you and your business from financial losses arising from allegations of professional negligence or mistakes.

Ready to secure your commercial assets? Contact us for a free quote on any of our value-adding services, including business insurance and public liability insurance solutions.


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